‘Our invention of mini-organs conquers the whole world’

Developing mini-organs of a patient on which to study in the laboratory which drug best suits that person. It’s happening in Utrecht, Heart of Health, the region where working together on people’s health is paramount. The University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) was the first in the world to apply organoids clinically. “Because of this invention, people suddenly have access to life-saving medicines,” he said.

Through collaboration between various research institutions, not only the region but also the rest of the world benefits from this groundbreaking innovation. How it works. A piece of tissue containing stem cells is taken from people who come into the consultation room. This biopsy goes to the lab. “There we grow a mini-organoid from that patient. These organoids partially mimic the function and architecture of real organs. This allows us to visualize and measure a disease process in the lab. Then you can determine which drugs will work on someone,” says Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Beekman.

Customized treatments
In 2009, Prof. Dr. Hans Clevers and his research group at the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht succeeded in being the first to grow mini-organs from mouse stem cells. Two years later, the first microscopic intestines from human intestinal stem cells were a reality. Jeffrey: “This innovative method marked a breakthrough in how we can study human tissue in the lab. It offers great potential for drug research and tailored treatments.”

Cystic fibrosis
Jeffrey walks around the lab every day, but still gets goosebumps from the possibilities that cultured mini-organs offer. Currently, the principal investigator leads a team focused primarily on cystic fibrosis. In this inherited disease, the mucus in the lungs, throat and intestines is tough and thick. This causes blockages in the organs. “We are testing the efficacy of a drug against this disease in human mini-intestines,” he said.

“When I see a mini-intestine repaired by a drug, I know people can have a different life.

First clinical application
The cystic fibrosis trial was the first clinical application of organoids. “It is currently being used worldwide to study who may benefit from new drugs. That feels right. In the end, everything is about people, how we live together and how you try to do something for someone else. When I see a mini colon repaired by a drug, I know that people can have a different life,” says the molecular biologist. A healthier life physically, mentally and socially.

People’s stories
Meanwhile, biopsies are sent in from all over Europe. “That all involves stories. When I get a message from a mother telling me how much our method means to her child, it gives me a special feeling. Of course, I am just a part of a bigger picture. We work together, with lots of doctors, clinical researchers and other organizations such as the Dutch Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We also cannot do without the manufacturer who develops the drugs. Together you are valuable.


Working together on the health of people worldwide is one of the spearheads of Utrecht, Heart of Health, in order for the region to contribute as much as possible to a healthy world. “It is good that we are being put on the map in this way. As a province, we were also named the most competitive region in Europe, especially in the field of innovation. It is something we are good at. And we are allowed to propagate that. We can be proud of what we do together. That attracts talent.”

Making an impact
Jeffrey continues, “It’s very cool that we can make an impact with a scientific process, gain knowledge and tackle a disease. Fifteen years ago, it was unthinkable that a culture could tell which drug works for someone. And now our Utrecht invention is conquering the whole world.”

Jeffrey Beekman

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‘Our invention of mini-organs conquers the whole world’

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