Care, Health and Society: Utrecht University innovative interdisciplinary BSc

Care, Health and Society – Utrecht University

How does the body work? How can you stay healthy? What is being sick? What causes disease? How can technology contribute to our understanding of healthcare? And what exactly are the most pressing needs in society today? If you used to drive your parents to distraction with questions like these, then Utrecht University’s brand new bachelor degree Care, Health and Society is sure to help quench your thirst for knowledge.

We’re all atoms, or are we more?

The challenges humanity faces transcend the borders of species, generations, and continents. After all, we’re all made of atoms, or are we more?  Everything seems to be connected. Our understanding of (animal) health and healthcare systems is constantly evolving, as is our understanding of the world around us. A singular perspective is no longer enough. We have to look across the boundaries of individual areas of expertise so that together, we can develop solutions for the complex questions life throws at us.

For this, we need enterprising professionals with a thirst for knowledge and understanding. People who want to build bridges across disciplines and learn how social and technological developments impact human, animal, and environmental health. With this new interdisciplinary programme, Utrecht University is paving the way for a new approach to healthcare, health and society, for humans and for animals.

Undergraduate Degree

Understanding the basics of – human and animal – body and health is central to the undergraduate degree. How does a body work? How do you stay healthy? What causes diseases? How do the human circulatory and respiratory systems work, and are they different from a cow’s? How does our immune system react to asthma differently to an animal’s?

As well as the basic systems of body and health, the degree focuses on personal and professional development through courses such as ‘thinking and thinkers’, or ‘quantitative thinking for health professionals’, explores society today with topics such as ‘healthcare systems in a changing society’, and dives into technology and opportunities with ‘healthcare and technology’ among other.

Independent, Critical Thought

It’s the perfect foundation programme if you have a wide interest in understanding the systems of (animal) health and healthcare but are undecided on whether you want to become a doctor, veterinarian, or pharmacist. You might even want to go into an entirely different type of industry related to healthcare. Whatever the case may be, Health, Care and Society will teach you to take a critical look at yourself and the world around you.

The skills you learn here will enable you to work in multidisciplinary teams going forward. The course teaches you to think in concepts and collaborate with your fellow students as you come up with solutions to, for instance, prevent the next epidemic, combat loneliness of the elderly or keep healthcare affordable. You learn to think creatively, to make connections, to understand society and yourself better and to look at problems from multiple perspectives.

So if your exhausted parents ever told you ‘curiosity killed the cat’, you can now reassure them that your curiosity is set to change the world.

Read more on the Care, health and society program here

Wim Kremer

Renske van Gestel

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Care, Health and Society: Utrecht University innovative interdisciplinary BSc

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